List of diplomatic missions of Nigeria
Embassies Of Nigeria
Algeria | Hungary | Romania |
Argentina | India | Russia |
Australia | Indonesia | Sao Tome And Principe |
Belgium | Iran | Saudi Arabia |
Benin | Iraq | Senegal |
Botswana | Ireland | Sierra Leone |
Brazil | Italy | Singapore |
Burkina Faso | Jamaica | South Africa |
Burundi | Japan | South Korea |
Cameroon | Jordan | Spain |
Canada | Kenya | Sudan |
Central African | Kuwait | Sweden |
Chad | Lebanon | Switzerland |
Liberia | Syria | |
Cote Divoire | Libya | Tanzania |
Cuba | Malaysia | Thailand |
D.R.Congo | Mali | Togo |
Egypt | Mexico | Trinidad And Tobago |
Equatorial Guinea | Morocco | Tunisia |
Ethiopia | Mozambique | Turkey |
France | Namibia | Uganda |
Gabon | Netherlands | Ukraine |
Gambia | Niger | United Arab Emirates |
Germany | North Korea | United Kingdom |
Ghana | Pakistan | United States |
Greece | Philippines | Venezuela |
Guinea | Poland | Vietnam |
Guinea Bissau | Portugal | Zambia |
Republic Of The Congo | Zimbabwe |
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