Chinese Architecture Styles

This part will provide you with detailed information about different kinds of Chinese architecture, including the related culture and background knowledge. Chinese ancient architecture has its own unique style in the world architecture. It uses different structural materials which include civil construction, brick work, timber construction and bamboo construction. There are various architecture styles such as palace, tower, temple, garden and mausoleum which can be generally grouped into imperial architecture, religious architecture, garden architecture and general architecture.

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Imperial Architecture:

Here you will get to know Chinese imperial architecture, including imperial palaces, gardens and mausoleums. In order to incarnate the supremacy of imperial power, Chinese imperial architecture often adopt the layout of an axial symmetry, with the buildings on the central axis tall and splendid while the rest rather small and simple.

Traditional Chinese Residences

In this part, you will get to know the general information of the architecture that Chinese common people live in. The 56 ethnic groups have weaved a colorful Chinese civilian residence picture. Beijing locals has their own distictive houses in traditional Courtyards (Siheyuan). In northern part of Shaanxi Province, people prefer to live in Farmers' Caves (Yaodong). In Yunnan Province, local people build Seal-like Compound (Yikeyin) to dwell in, and in the west of Fujian Province, Hakkas create the Earthen Buildings (Tulou)which is considered to be built with a wondrous architectural style.

Garden Architecture

Chinese gardens are famous for their variety and delicate craftwork. This part will not only present you different kinds of beautiful Chinese gardens, but you will also Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Buddhist Architecture be impressed at the unique constructional idea and methods of Chinese laboring people.

Religious Architecture

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Religious architecture in China has an added Chinese flavor to it. Different religions have their unique architectural styles.

Buddhist Architecture

Taoist Architecture

Chinese Temples

Buddhist Temples

Taoist Temples

Islamic Mosques

Confucius Temples

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