Consort He

Consort He (died 1836) was a concubine of the Daoguang Emperor.

Consort He was born of the Manchu Nara clan. Her personal name is unknown. Her father was Chengwen (成文), a qingxian (卿銜; a type of official post).

Lady Nara entered the Forbidden Palace during the reign of the Jiaqing Emperor and became a concubine of Jiaqing's second son Mianning. In 1808 she gave birth to Mianning's eldest son Yiwei (奕緯; 1808-1831) and was granted the title of Prince's Side Chamber Consort (皇子側福晉). In 1820 the Jiaqing Emperor died and was succeeded by Mianning, who became known as the Daoguang Emperor. Two years later she was granted the title of Imperial Concubine He (和嬪). In 1823 she was promoted to Consort He (和妃).

Lady Nara died in 1836 and was interred in the Muling Mausoleum in the western qing Tombs.

Last update 06-06-2012

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