Lady Zhang
Lady Zhang (張氏, personal name unknown) (born 386) was the wife of Lü Shao (Prince Yin), who briefly reigned (less than a month) as emperor of the Chinese/Di state later liang dynasty.
Very little is known about her, but she was described as virtuous. Her age is known at the time of her husband's death (around the new year 400, when he was described as less than 20 years old and she was 13) by suicide, as he was threatened by the troops of his brother Lü Zuan (Emperor Ling), who overthrew him and took over as emperor. After Lü Shao's death, she became a Buddhist nun. Later, either during Lü Zuan's reign or the succeeding reign of his cousin Lü Long, Lü Long wanted to take her as a wife or a concubine; she refused, and committed suicide by jumping off a tower.
It was possible, but unlikely, that Lü Shao created her empress during his brief reign, because there was no historical reference to the event.
Last update 18-06-2012
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