
Zhenjin (Činkim, 1243–January 5, 1286, Chinese: 真金, also Chingkim) was the second son of Kublai Khan, founder of the yuan dynasty. He was designated as the Crown Prince (皇太子) by Kublai Khan in 1273, and became the head of Zhongshusheng (Chinese: 中書省, "Central Secretariat"). The North Chinese Buddhist monk Haiyun gave him the name, Zhenjin (True Gold), when he was born in 1243. He was also known as a strong supporter of Confucianism. When A Confucian-trained official in South proposed that Kublai's abdicate in favor to Zhenjin in 1285, Kublai was angered. Zhenjin died on 5 January 1286, 8 years before his father Kublai Khan. Distressed by his death, Kublai Khan thus intended to make Zhenjin's son Temür the new Crown Prince, who later became the Emperor Chengzong.

Prince Chinkin is a central character in the 1982 American-Italian miniseries Marco Polo, where he was portrayed by Japanese actor Junichi Ishida.

Last update 18-04-2012

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