Hainan Visa on Arrival

Compare to Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen and Shantou, Hainan enjoys more privileges to issue visa on arrival besides Hainan Visa Exemption. Haikou and Sanya can issue 30 days visa on arrival to all tour groups to Hainan and aliens who go to Hainan for sightseeing, family visit or business. If aliens ask for more than 30 days stay duration for family visit, business, study or work, 3 months Chinese visa on arrival can be issued. They can use the visa to visit other cities within Mainland China and exit from all ports open to foreigners. In addition, the visa on arrival is also available for travelers on international cruise ships who disembark in Haikou or Sanya. The international ships are from Hong Kong , Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Portugal.

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